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Display My IP

Desarrollador Tsvetkov Oleg

Display My IP app displays your public IP address and country in the macOS menu bar and notify you when your IP address changes. Also, you can see a list of local addresses in the internal menu.

App relies on the status of the network interface and updates your public IP address when something changes (ex. new Wi-Fi or VPN connection). As a backup, app periodically updates the IP address in the background.

In the Preferences menu, you can shorten or hide your IP address from menu bar. As well, you can choose to show a country flag, country code, or even hide all country staff. Enable autoupdate every 1, 5, 15 minutes, or never. And more.

App makes requests to our remote server to find your public IP address. Theres no other way to reliably get your public IP. We dont store any data about you.